Accessibility of aquaculture products in Thailand

Type Journal Article
Title Accessibility of aquaculture products in Thailand
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2001
The paper first reviews the aquaculture sector in Thailand and focuses on the development of freshwater fish.The government has promoted freshwater fish culture mainly to supply domestically. The development policies that influence markets and access have been stated. It then highlights fish consumption by region. As a result of increased demand for freshwater fish, marketing plays an increasing vital role and is left in the hand of private sector. Marketing practices including market structure, marketing channel and marketing margins are analyzed and discussed. It is found that the private assembly markets as well as the retail outlets have been developed significantly to serve the increase in both the supply and the demand of cultured freshwater fish. Marketing margin varies among species. Obstacles to market access is not observed apparently. The shift in production centers close to the big consuming center with high purchasing power in the past two decades may benefit some group of consumer. However, the consumer in other regions can access to freshwater fish through the effective and efficient marketing system. The paper concludes with the discussion and analyzes of future domestic market potential in view of existing and evolving consumption pattern and marketing development, and measures required to realize the potential.

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