Trends and Patterns of Urbanization in India: A State Level Analysis

Type Working Paper - International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
Title Trends and Patterns of Urbanization in India: A State Level Analysis
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Level of urbanization in the country was not very high but it experienced a very high growth of urban population. According to 1901 Census, only 10.84 percent of population was urban. This implies that the urban population has increased many folds in last 100 years. But the urban population shows fluctuating trends from decade to decade. Table 4.3 supports this statement.This Paper deals with the levels and pattern of urbanization in India in 2001. 1911 witnessed negative growth rate of urban population. It was 10.84 percent in 1901, which decreased to 10.29 percent in 1911. It was because of famine and plague that occurred in 1901-1911. In 1921, it rose to 11.18 percent. The decade 1911-1921 was associated with influenza epidemic. In 1931, again there was negligible increase in the level of urbanization, it was only 11.99 perecnt.1921-1931, was the year of agricultural depression. Therefore, in the span of first 30 years i.e., 1901-1931 there was slight increase in the level of urbanization. It was mainly after 1931, that the urbanization process gained momentum and the urban population increased at a faster rate. In 1941, it was 13.86 percent and the growth rate was 31.97 percent during 1931-41. The decade 1941-1951 records one of the highest growth urban population i.e. 41.42 percent and the percentage of urban population in urban areas was 17.92 percent. However, in the year 1981-1991 the decennial growth rate in India showed a declining trend after reaching the peak in 1971-1981.In 1981-1991, it was 36.19 percent and the level of urbanization was 25.72 percent. It reached 27.78 percent in the year 2001, and the decadal growth rate of the year 1991-2001 was 31.13 percent showing the continuation in the trend. India has 27.7 percent urban population in the 2001 census. In the states, Goa has the highest level of urbanization with half of the population as urban, while half of the population of India has the lowest level of Urbanization about ten percent. Southern and western states have higher percentage of urbanization compared to the north, north-eastern and eastern states. Mizoram is an exception in the north-eastern region, which has second place very close to Goa. Himalayan States show very low level of urbanization. The states, such as Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat are highly urbanized as well as highly industrialized among Indian states. The eight states having population 10 million and above in Class-I cities/UAs, in which three from South, two each from west and north and one from east region.

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