Better or Worse?

Type Report
Title Better or Worse?
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2000
Publisher Institute for Applied Social Sciences
This report presents some major developments in living conditions in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania during a period of transition. It is based on nation-wide and representative living conditions surveys that were conducted simultaneously in the three countries during the autumn of 1994 and of 1999. The surveys cover a variety of living conditions dimensions such as economic resources, health, housing, employment and working conditions, education, crime and social contacts. This report gives a brief introduction to the main findings. For a more comprehensive presentation of the survey results, the national tabulation reports should be consulted. Three forthcoming national analytical reports will provide more in-depth analysis of the data. Our aim has been to make a user-friendly and informative brochure to all those needing a reliable picture of the living condition development in the Baltic region.

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