Understanding Factors Influence Household Waste Recycling Behaviour in Thailand. Case Study: Bangkok

Type Working Paper
Title Understanding Factors Influence Household Waste Recycling Behaviour in Thailand. Case Study: Bangkok
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://www.fbc.keio.ac.jp/graduate/2010report/part11.pdf
A success of recycling programs depends largely on the active and sustained involvement of people.
To examine factors that influence households’ decision to participate in recycling programs,
this research applied directed interviews, observations, and questionnaire surveys to study the
behavior toward recycling of the 381 random selected individuals in Bangkok. This study employed
the theory of planed behavior as the main framework and injected socio-demographic,
economic, and situational factors into the model to examine how these factors integrate to either
stimulate or restrain recycling involvement of people. The results of the estimated logistic
regression models suggested that the adequacy of information regarding recycling and resident
period in the current place directly predicted recycling behavior, whereas the condition of recycling
facility and personal recycling skill provided both direct effect on the actual behavior
and indirect effect via recycling intention. In contrast, the psychological factors; attitude toward
recycling, subjective norm, and awareness of recycling benefit, only indirectly influenced recycling
behavior through the intention. The economic incentive, perceived efforts on time and
space, and other demographic variables were not found significant in both levels.

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