Mortality in Cambodia: A techinical note

Type Conference Paper - Workshop on population projections for Cambodia held at the National Institute of Statistics
Title Mortality in Cambodia: A techinical note
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2002
City Phnom Penh
Country/State Cambodia
The purpose of this technical note is to evaluate the available mortality data and estimates of mortality for Cambodia as well as to identify more accurate mortality levels and trends. At the same time, based on model life tables and early-age mortality estimates, life tables are constructed to be used for population projections, diverse demographic analyses and population policy issues.

It appears that the infant and child mortality estimates from the 2000 Cambodian Demographic and Health Survey are, at present, the most reliable measures of early-age mortality, especially for the most recent years. The available evidence suggests that they are more reliable than those obtained from the 1998 National Health Survey and the indirect estimates from the 1998 Census.

It was also considered important to identify the mortality model that is more consistent with the Cambodian mortality pattern. For the relationship between infant and child mortality it was found that the observed data are closest to the East pattern of the Coale-Demeny Regional Model Life Tables. As compared to the other models, relatively low child mortality and a very high infant mortality characterize the East model. Additional considerations regarding breastfeeding, feeding and other health practices also suggest the adequacy of the East Model.

The 1996 Demographic Survey of Cambodia is the only data source that provides data on adult mortality. Indirect estimates indicate that observed mortality rates for population 10 years and older fits better the North pattern of the Coale-Demeny Regional Model Life Tables. Using an indirect method based on the use of model life tables (Preston and Coale method), the data from the survey was adjusted. It is relevant to mention that this adjustment has some problems, namely that certain Cambodian population characteristics depart from the assumptions on which the method is based. The results are certainly affected by this problem and additional data would be necessary to assess how much the results are biased. However, at present this is the only available information to estimate adult mortality.

In this paper, a model-based life table for Cambodia was constructed using infant and child mortality from the 2000 Cambodian Demographic and Health Survey estimates but using the adult mortality estimated from the life table constructed from the 1996 Demographic Survey of Cambodia. This life table is for 1996-2000 but it can be used as a model life table to construct life tables for previous or future dates.

The results cannot be considered as completely reliable, although they are the best that can be obtained with the available information. New data are necessary to provide more solid mortality estimates. Particularly important are reliable estimates of the pattern of early-age mortality and the level and pattern of adult mortality

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