The impact of transportation cost on potato price: a case study of potato distribution in Bangladesh

Type Journal Article - The international journal of management
Title The impact of transportation cost on potato price: a case study of potato distribution in Bangladesh
Volume 1
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Potato is an important vegetable crop in Bangladesh primarily grown by resource-poor farmers. Among the major staple foods of the world, the status of potato is third. It is rich in calories and carbohydrates. Potato is the vegetable crop grown in the winter season; though it is used throughout the year. Therefore, at the end of the season consumer have to pay high price. To keep the price reasonable, it necessary to reduce the total cost. Transportation cost incurs a significant in the cost function. If transportation cost can be minimized, the total cost will automatically be reduced. To minimize the transportation cost, Least Cost Model has been used in the paper. The model also helps show the movement of potato to and from among the regions.

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