Intergenerational Mobility in Education: A Case of Rural Bangladesh

Type Journal Article - Bangladesh Education Journal
Title Intergenerational Mobility in Education: A Case of Rural Bangladesh
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 1
The main concern of this paper is to examine the mobility in the educational distribution over the last three generations. The Markov chain model of order one has been used for the study. With the help of transition probability matrix an attempt was made to predict what would be the conditions of educational classes after one, two, or more generations. In order to determine at what generation educational distribution will be stationary, the estimated limiting behavior of the transition probabilities of educational classes between the generations was used. The average number of generations ( ) spent by a continuing household in social class "i" and its standardized value have also been estimated. The chances of upward and downward mobility of different educational groups through have been studied.

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