Health and Nutrition Issues in Human Resource Development in Bangladesh

Type Journal Article - Journal for Studies in Management and Planning
Title Health and Nutrition Issues in Human Resource Development in Bangladesh
Volume 1
Issue 4
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2015
Page numbers 32-45
The aim of this study is on “Health and
Nutrition issues in Human Resource
Development in Bangladesh” to find the
overall views and situations of health,
nutrition and human resource development
in Bangladesh. The issues of health and
nutrition have achieved a laudable success
in Bangladesh, especially within health
related MDGs where Infant or Child
Mortality rate and Maternal Mortality
rate have changed in significantly than
many other developing countries.
The study also examines the important
components of human resource
development and effectiveness or a
reciprocal way between health and human
resource development. In this study, an
attempt has been made to find out the
issues of health and nutrition related
human resource development and their
effects in income, reduction poverty and
economic growth with sustainable
development & development strategies in
On the other hand, The study will be
referring several other literatures on
“Health and Nutrition issues in Human
Resource Development in Bangladesh”
published by various sources. In the above
context, a conceptual study will be
conducted on “Health and Nutrition issues
in Human Resource Development in
Bangladesh”. In this study non-empirical
study will apply and the analysis will be
made from the data and contents collected
from various articles and journals
published by various authors and released
through various sources. The references of
those will be given in reference part.

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