Contemporary Homeschooling in the Republic of South Africa: Some Lessons for other African Nations

Type Journal Article - Middle Eastern & African Journal of Educational Research
Title Contemporary Homeschooling in the Republic of South Africa: Some Lessons for other African Nations
Issue 9
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Apart from the United States and Britain where contemporary homeschooling is
experiencing major breakthroughs, this form of education is also growing around the world
in countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Hungary, Japan, Mexico, South Korea and
Thailand among others. In Africa, a unique step was taken by the government of South
Africa in 1996 when it gave legal backing to home Schooling. Till date (2014), South Africa
therefore has seventeen years of official experience in contemporary home-schooling
granted that this mode of education has been on for many years before receiving the
mandate of the government. In this paper, attempt is made to examine contemporary
homeschooling in South Africa and the lessons that other African countries can learn from
her experience

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