Issues in Population Management in Nigerian Development

Type Journal Article - Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies
Title Issues in Population Management in Nigerian Development
Volume 2
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
The paper analyzes the imperatives of managing population in Nigeria towards achieving sustainable socio-economic development at multi-dimensional levels. Nigeria is acclaimed to be the giant of Africa and a major figure in the world development, but researchers reveal that there is a high fertility, mortality and migration rate which makes it difficult to achieve development. These and other variables if not checked can affect the population, environment and growth or development rate of the nation. The paper reveals that socio-cultural and environmental as well as behavioral activities and attitude of her citizens should be re-oriented towards achieving a manageable family size, which will reflect in the general population management in Nigeria. The paper further reveals that there must be improvement in primary health care services (and accessing of same) facilities and education especially amongst rural dwellers and their cultural belief systems, improved policy formulation and advocacy drives towards family /population control and strengthening of the vital registration process to be able to regularly articulate the population level per time, hence, leading to concrete steps towards the achievement of sustainable development.

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