A reflection for planners and policy makers in utilities and facilities planning: population growth rate in Nigeria

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology & Science
Title A reflection for planners and policy makers in utilities and facilities planning: population growth rate in Nigeria
Volume 2
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 87-107
URL http://ijirts.org/volume2issue3/IJIRTSV2I3027.pdf
This paper contains a detailed analysis of
population of Nigeria. Population data of Nigeria was
collected by states from National Population
Commission (NPC), Abuja. The population data were
analysed using standard population projection
techniques. Design parameters in arithmetic, geometric
or logarithms, graphical and ratio projection techniques
were obtained. The population data of each of the states
were projected using selected projection techniques.
Projected populations were evaluated using statistical
techniques such as total error, model of criterion
(MSC); coefficient of determination (CD) and
statistical reliability (SR).
The study showed that population of Nigeria
increased from 88584304 in 1991 to 139983289 in
2006 with Kano and Lagos states having the largest of
over 9 million people each. It was revealed that average
growth rate for arithmetic, ration, geometric and
logarithms projection techniques are 92611 per annual,
0.0137 per year, 0.03212 per year respectively.
Statistical evaluation revealed that MSC values for
arithmetic, geometric or logarithms, graphical and ratio
projection techniques were 1.082, 4.168, 4.173; 4.269
and 0.072 respectively. CD values for arithmetic,
geometric or logarithms, graphical and ratio projection
techniques were 0.861, 0.984, 0.984; 0.986 and 0.626
respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that there is a
significant difference between the population among
the states. States like Delta, Gombe, Imo, Lagos, Osun
and Zamfara shown no significant difference between
NPC projection and projection using the three
It was concluded that logarithms, geometrical
and graphical projection techniques are the best
techniques for projecting the p

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