Household Expenditure/Consumption Survey Baseline Survey Final Report For

Type Report
Title Household Expenditure/Consumption Survey Baseline Survey Final Report For
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
I. Problem Statement. Vulnerable members of the Macedonian population must choose
between food, clothing, shelter and heat to survive the effects of a worsening macro-economy.
In 1999, the World Bank stated “A new group of poor has emerged, composed of households
headed by the unemployed of those in receipt of cash transfers (social assistance)” (World Bank
Report 19411-MK, 1999). The Kosovo crisis of 1999 further worsened these conditions.
II. The Red Cross Response. In response, the American Red Cross in partnership with the
Macedonian Red Cross is in the process of implementing a 9 month food distribution program
for 19,437 vulnerable, unemployed households in 13 cities and surrounding villages. The
objective of this program is to enable families to transfer income otherwise spend on food to the
purchase of other needs for their families. Further, the Macedonian Red Cross is gaining
increased capabilities in the management of a commodity distribution program.
III. Survey Objectives and Methods. This survey was undertaken to determine if the intended
income transfer is occurring for families participating in the Red Cross Program. Specifically,
the objectives of the survey were to:
v estimate household food expenditure/consumption in the target area
v describe current vulnerabilities of beneficiary households
v describe coping mechanisms of beneficiary households during current socioeconomic
The survey is a modified household consumption-expenditure survey based on a random
sample of Red Cross beneficiary households. Interviews were individual face-to-face interviews
with the Head of the Household. The survey will be replicated at the close of the project.

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