How do we treat people with dementia in Croatia

Type Journal Article - Psychiatria Danubina
Title How do we treat people with dementia in Croatia
Volume 22
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
Page numbers 363-366
The current clinical view on pharmacological treatment and the Croatian reality regarding approved antidementia drugs is
presented. Dementia is a syndrome of high incidence and Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. New data show
that dementia prevalence will nearly double every 20 years, and we believe that current estimated number of persons with dementia
(PWD) for Croatia is more than 80,000. The standard treatment with antidementia drugs is unavailable in Croatia, for the majority
of PWD, because antidementia drugs are not on the reimbursement list, although Croatian algorithm for psychopharmacological
treatment and Alzheimer Disease Societies Croatia recommend early and adequate treatment. Alzheimer's dementia is becoming a
world’s health priority in 21st century, so we strongly believe that antidementia drugs should be reimbursed in Croatia.

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