Impact of Family Planning Health Education on the Knowledge and Attitude among Yasoujian Women

Type Journal Article - Global journal of health science
Title Impact of Family Planning Health Education on the Knowledge and Attitude among Yasoujian Women
Volume 4
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
Page numbers 110-118
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of health education on the knowledge and attitude regarding
family planning and contraception’s method among the women who obligatory attended the Premarital
Counseling Center in Yasouj city, Iran. An experimental study was carried out and a total of 200 women were
selected for the study using convenience sampling method among women who attended in the health centre in
order to utilize the necessary premarital actions. Respondents were divided by two experimental and control
groups randomly. A pre-evaluation was done on the knowledge and attitude on family planning using a
structured questionnaire. After which, the health education for experimental group was done within four
educational sessions during 4 consecutive weeks and control group underwent traditional education method.
Post evaluation was utilized for any changes regarding their knowledge and attitude among the respondents
immediately after the intervention. Independent and paired t-test was used to evaluate the mean knowledge and
attitude scores differences among both groups. Results showed that there was a significant improvement in
respondents’ knowledge and attitude after educational program in experimental group (p<0.001), while no
significant difference was observed in knowledge and attitude of control group. The finding also indicated that
age was significantly associated with the level of respondents’ knowledge. These results deal the effectiveness of
the educational method. In conclusion, the educational method is effective in increasing the knowledge and
improving the attitude of women regarding family planning in Yasouj compared to current used educational
method. Future educational programs need to incorporate the features that have been associated with successful
interventions in the past, as well as including their own evaluation procedures.

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