An analysis of temporal pattern of daily activities in a traditional african city and its implication for urban infrastructural planning: a study of Ilorin, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Review
Title An analysis of temporal pattern of daily activities in a traditional african city and its implication for urban infrastructural planning: a study of Ilorin, Nigeria
Volume 2
Issue 4
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 36-46
This paper analyses the temporal pattern of activities of the people in Ilorin especially the length of time
spent on each activity. Data were collected from 500 residents of Ilorin, each of whom completed a time
budget diary over one week. Descriptive statistics and analysis of variance were used to summarize the
data and to test the research hypotheses. The result shows that the activities were fixed in time and three
variables: age, income and occupation were the major determinants of the time spent on the activities.
The study also shows clearly that the temporal structure of activity in Ilorin is different from what obtains
in Western cities where there is flexibility in the usage of time.

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