Urban agriculture and urban land use planning: Need for a synthesis in metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Journal of Geography and Regional Planning
Title Urban agriculture and urban land use planning: Need for a synthesis in metropolitan Lagos, Nigeria
Volume 2
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2009
Page numbers 43-50
URL http://www.academicjournals.org/article/article1379416712_Adedeji and Ademiluyi.pdf
The role of agriculture in an agrarian economy like Nigeria as a pathfinder to understanding the
sustainability of the environment cannot be over emphasized, rapid, largely unchecked, urbanization is
common in many urban centres such as the Lagos metropolis. Associated with these are the key
problems of urban poverty and food security, urban land market, and issues related to sustainable
urban development. Urban agriculture (UA) is in reality and in many cases a response to crisis and a
coping strategy of the urban poor UA can contribute to food security in several ways. It increases the
amount of food available and enhances the freshness of perishable foods reaching urban consumers.
UA can also play a role in environmental conservation. However, UA production systems can pose risks
to public health and the environment. These arise from the inappropriate or excessive use of agricultural
inputs-including pesticides, nitrogen, and raw organic matter containing heavy metal residues.
Urban land use planners should endeavour to promote multifunctional land use, and greater community
participation in the management of urban open spaces as a way of integrating UA as a key concept in
urban development programmes.

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