Effect of access to ICT on the use of internet among farmers in South East Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Journal of Agriculture and Social Research (JASR)
Title Effect of access to ICT on the use of internet among farmers in South East Nigeria
Volume 10
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2010
Page numbers 122-126
URL http://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasr/article/download/67580/55695
A study was conducted on effect of access to information and communication technology on
the use of internet among farmers in South East Nigeria. A structured interview schedule was
used to collect data from 270 respondents from the study area. Data analysis was by the use
of mean scores and simple regression. The study found that internet use correlated positively
and significantly with accessibility, with a t-value of 3.462. The implication of this finding is
that accessibility to ICTs will influence internet use. There is no doubt that usage of extent
ICT such as internet is a function of awareness of the type of ICT available and needed for
extension. Based on this it is recommended that public awareness on the use of ICT will
enhance usage to a very large extent and should be strongly encouraged.

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