Informal microfinance and primary health care in Ekiti LGA, Kwara State, Nigeria.

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Business and Management Tomorrow
Title Informal microfinance and primary health care in Ekiti LGA, Kwara State, Nigeria.
Volume 1
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Microfinance provides a promising platform to expand health access and coverage for rural poor
that are mostly farmers and urban poor who are in the informal sector of the economy through
organized groups. Health in rural area is accessed through primary health and community care
which is the most visible and commonly used part of the health system. Using a multi regression
analysis, this study examines the impact of informal microfinance on primary healthcare. The
study shows that there is positive relationship between informal microfinance and primary
healthcare. However, poor funding that manifest in inadequate number of health staff with skills
appropriate to the health priorities of rural areas; poor maintenance of equipment; inadequate
drugs, etc coupled with diminishing confidence in public sector health facilities; rapid population
growth, political instability; non-existence rural workforce policies and strategies etc, as well as
the spartan living conditions in rural areas made health care services inaccessible to the rural
people. The study thus recommend a regular higher savings and prompt repayment of loan in
order to sustain the activities of informal microfinance, so that clients can have more access to
fund to meet their health needs. Government should also complement the activities of the
informal microfinance by ensuring that drugs are available and cheap in the rural areas of Ekiti.
Besides, government should recruit health staff with skills that are appropriate to the health
priorities of rural areas, maintain poor equipments, and bring health facilities closer to the rural
areas. This will reduce the money spent by the rural dwellers on travelling to receive healthcare

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