Environmental, Health and Social Hazards of Fossil Fuel Electricity Generators: A Users’ Assessment in Kaduna, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - American International Journal of Contemporary Research
Title Environmental, Health and Social Hazards of Fossil Fuel Electricity Generators: A Users’ Assessment in Kaduna, Nigeria
Volume 2
Issue 9
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
Page numbers 237-245
URL http://aijcrnet.com/journals/Vol_2_No_9_September_2012/28.pdf
Users of fossil fuel generators for electric power supply to buildings in Kaduna metropolis of Nigeria, were
engaged in the assessment of the associated environmental, health and social hazards. The study was effected
mainly by field survey in which Kaduna metropolis was divided into twelve clusters and well structured
questionnaire administered on a purposive sampling basis. The results show that: there is a massive use (89.9%
of households) of the generators; users are aware and “agree” that there are associated environmental hazards
(noise and air pollution, heat generation, threat to living organisms and defects to buildings); there are also
health hazards (such as impaired hearing with 67.2% frequency of observation, sleeplessness 60.5%, choking
sensation 55.4%, deafness 35.5%, dizziness 31.9% and impaired visibility 13.4%); and social hazards (mainly
disturbance to neighbours for which 30% of users confirmed receipts of complaints). Conclusion was reached
that these hazards are great concerns to both the generator users and their neighbours. Government was called
upon to redouble efforts at providing adequate and uninterrupted electricity across the country and in the interim,
put in place appropriate policies and implementation framework for regulating use of fossil fuel generators; as
well as promote use of less hazardous alternatives such as the solar home systems.

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