Income Effect and Correlating Factors of Yam Minisett Technology among Extension Contact Farmers in Delta State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Experimental Agriculture & Horticulture
Title Income Effect and Correlating Factors of Yam Minisett Technology among Extension Contact Farmers in Delta State, Nigeria
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 12-20
URL, F. O.pdf
This study investigates the income effect and correlating factorsof yam minisett technology among
contact farmers in Delta State, Nigeria. A well structured questionnaire and interview schedule were
used to collect primary data from randomly selected 81 yam farmers in the study area. Descriptive
statistics and Pearson correlation analysis were used to analyze data. It was found that yam minisett
production contributed significantly to the income of yam farmers. The results showed that farm
size, educational status and age of respondents had significant and positive relationship with income
effect (economic benefits). The frequency of extension contact created significant effect (P<0.05)
on farmers’ adoption rate of yam minisett technologies in the study area. About 80.25% of yam
minisett farmers adopted supplementary technologies such as fertilizers and planting distance
technologies (95.06%). It was recommended that yam minisett technology should be integrated into
yam farming system due to its economic benefits to the farmers.

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