Built Environment Decay and Health Situation of Slum Dwellers in Residential Cores of Akure, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - American Journal of Human Ecology
Title Built Environment Decay and Health Situation of Slum Dwellers in Residential Cores of Akure, Nigeria
Volume 1
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
Page numbers 33-39
URL http://www.worldscholars.org/index.php/ajhe/article/download/82/42
The public worldwide is now fully aware of its health and life sustainability being put at greater risk with the
present level of poor sanitary conditions of the built environment in most of our cities. In this paper, the sanitary
condition of the built environment of residential core of Akure was investigated to establish its close relationship
with the health situation of its dwellers. Some ecological data involving housing conditions, condition of sanitary
facilities; especially the water supply source, sewage and refuse disposal methods, drainage system, kitchen and
bathroom facilities were collected using questionnaire survey, personal interview, direct observation, demographic
and facility survey. Data on health situation of dwellers were also collected from available health institutions
around the place. The research population was based on total number of existing buildings from which a sample of
20.0% was taken for interview. Findings from the study reveal that environmental variables are significantly
related to health situation of people in the area. The paper suggests some policy guidelines, including
redevelopment (in some parts of the area), upgrading and provision of basic facilities through the UBSP scheme.
Besides, regular sanitary inspection, public enlightenment and regular environmental campaign are recommended
for sustainable management of the area. On implementation, the paper suggests that the local people should not be
underrated; they should be involved in every phase of the project. It is also expected of the three levels of
governments (local, state, and federal) to take active part in the programe particularly in the area of mobilization,
training of staff and funding.

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