Marketing of agricultural produce among rural farm households in Nigeria: The case of sorghum marketing in Benue State

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Business and Social Science
Title Marketing of agricultural produce among rural farm households in Nigeria: The case of sorghum marketing in Benue State
Volume 3
Issue 13
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
Page numbers 269-277
This study examined sorghum marketing among rural farm households in Nigeria. Data were collected from
randomly sampled 100 sorghum marketers in Benue State using a structured questionnaire. Data were analyzed
using frequency distribution and percentages as well as marketing margin analysis and t-test statistic. The
marketing margin of an average sorghum marketer in the study area was 34.43%. This implies that 100% retail
price paid by the final consumer resulted in farm-to-retail price spread (marketing margin) of 34%. An average
sorghum marketer in the study area earns a farm-to-retail price spread of 0.34 Naira for every 1 Naira retail
price paid by the final consumer in the marketing process. The marketers in the study area had significant
marketing margin during their marketing transaction. The welfare of sorghum marketers was fully derived from
the business which they transact, suggesting that sorghum marketing serves as a source of livelihood for the

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