Determinants of Households’ Participation in the Collective Maintenance of Publicly Provided Water Infrastructure in Oyo State, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - Journal of Rural Economics and Development
Title Determinants of Households’ Participation in the Collective Maintenance of Publicly Provided Water Infrastructure in Oyo State, Nigeria
Volume 17
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL Adeoti.pdf
The provision of safe drinking water has been a major concern of government over the decades and
boreholes have been drilled in many rural areas in Nigeria. Despite this, the proportion of Nigerians in
rural areas with access to safe drinking water is about 50%. This paper evaluates participation in
collective maintenance of boreholes and factors that influence it in Oyo state. Through a multistage
sampling procedure, 109 households were selected from 5 communities that have been provided with
boreholes by the state Local Empowerment and Environmental Management Project. Data collected from
these households were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the probit model. Results reveal that
rural households participate well in collective maintenance with a greater number making financial
contribution. Education of household head, reliability of water, and perception on transparency of
management show plausibility of increasing the probability of participation in collective maintenance of
boreholes. Distance from the water source, having alternative source of water, male household head,
household monthly income and enforcement of rules reduces probability of participation. The marginal
effects show that gender, distance to water, having alternative source of water, enforcement of rules and
perception on transparency and accountability of management have the highest effect on probability of
participation. It is recommended that adult education should be intensified and training of management
team on management and administration be done. This is to engender trust and increase participation
thereby improving maintenance of the boreholes.

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