Assessment of bacteriologic profile of reservoir water in Ekpoma, Edo, Nigeria

Type Journal Article - International Journal of Community Research
Title Assessment of bacteriologic profile of reservoir water in Ekpoma, Edo, Nigeria
Volume 3
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 86-90
Ekpoma is a town characterized by lack of portable water supply for several years, with majority of the inhabitants
relying on vended water from water trucks or rain-water collected in underground water reservoirs. This study
therefore, assesses the bacteriologic profile of water samples in Ekpoma, Edo, Nigeria, considering the vulnerability
of the inhabitants to water-borne diseases often associated with unhygienic environment and lack of safe drinking
water. The simple random sampling technique was adopted and water samples were collected from 20 water
reservoir sites using sterile containers. The samples were then subjected to laboratory investigations using the total
viable count and most probable number techniques, as well as some biochemical methods to determine the bacteria
status of the samples collected. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and percentages). The results
indicated that the water reservoirs have high inorganic matter and relatively high indicator organisms; hence the
reservoirs contained unsafe water. It is recommended that relevant government agencies should ensure provision of
safe water to communities as the cost of doing that is much cheaper than the human, economic and social costs of an
epidemic. Individuals using such water reservoirs are also advised to adopt affordable water treatment measures.

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