Assessing the progress of Gender Parity in Education through achieving Millennium Development Goals: A case Study of Quetta District Balochistan

Type Journal Article - Bulletin of Education and Research
Title Assessing the progress of Gender Parity in Education through achieving Millennium Development Goals: A case Study of Quetta District Balochistan
Volume 34
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2012
Page numbers 47-58
Using secondary data of Government Schools and literacy department for 10 years that is
2000-2010, this paper assesses the progress on the issue of gender equality within the
framework of education related Millennium Development Goals (MDG) in district Quetta.
The assessment is based on the selected indicators of goals by applying descriptive statistical
tools such as ratio, mean and fixed chain methods. The major findings include; (a) the overall
trend reveals positive change; (b) the pace of adult education is more biased against women;
(c) the targets of literacy rate of children with 10+ years will hopefully be achieved; (d) the
indicator to remove gender disparity related to net primary enrolment ratio will hopefully, be
achieved; (e) the target of NER (Net enrollment ratio) will, perhaps not be achieved due to
high drop out; (f) empowerment of woman through employment show bleak picture. The
implications of findings for plan of action include: shifting more resources to primary
education; creating more institutions for girls’ education especially in the rural areas;
strengthening institutional capacity of government sector and creating more jobs opportunities
for women in the public sector

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