Feed resources for dairy farmers in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Type Working Paper
Title Feed resources for dairy farmers in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 1987
URL http://www.fao.org/wairdocs/ilri/x5548e/x5548e0g.htm
Smallholder dairy production has become an important agricultural activity in Kilimanjaro area in recent years. Land is very scarce in the region, particularly in the area immediately surrounding Mt. Kilimanjaro. Scarcity of feeds is one of the major constraints facing these smallholder dairy producers. The feed resources commonly used are grass cut and transported from the lowlands, established pastures, crop residues and agro-industrial by-products. Increased productivity of established pastures can be effected through improvement in agronomic practices, the inclusion of suitable legume species in pasture leys, and through better supply of pasture seeds. Utilization of crop residues can be improved through efficient handling and transportation, and supplementation for the most limiting nutrients. Organized markets and distribution networks for the agro-industrial byproducts will improve the availability of inputs and increase productivity.

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