Seroprevalence of HIV Antibodies in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Type Journal Article - IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences
Title Seroprevalence of HIV Antibodies in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Volume 1
Issue 13
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 46-49
The incidence of new infections of HIV has declined globally due to increased prevention and control
measures. In Oyo State Nigeria, there have been increased surveillance activities to complement control
measures in recent years. This is the findings of the latest HIV sentinel epidemiological surveillance revealing
the seroprevalence of HIV in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. About 515 subjects were tested for HIV antibodies in 2012.
Screening tests were carried out using Determine™ HIV 1 & 2 (Abbott) and Chembio HIV 1& 2 Stat-Pak™
rapid test kits following manufacturer’s instructions. A seroprevalence rate of 0% was determined with a
significantly higher participation in females 61.75% than males 38.25%. The participation rate of different age
group from the highest to the lowest is as follows 20-24 years old was found to have the 40.97%, age group of
25-29 years have 25.05%, age group of 15-19 have 19.61%, age group >30 have 8.74%and lastly, the age
group 2-14 years old had the lowest participation rate of 5.63%. The results from this show a zero
seroprevalence rate in Ogbomoso, Nigeria. According to the results from this study it was observed that
prevention and control measures have been stepped up, particularly at both the local level with more attention
toward sexually active age group.

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