Demanda potencial de la carrera de contabilidad y auditoria de la PUCESE en el canton Rioverde y las parroquias rurales del canton Esmeraldas.

Type Thesis or Dissertation - título de ingeniero en contabilidad y auditoría
Title Demanda potencial de la carrera de contabilidad y auditoria de la PUCESE en el canton Rioverde y las parroquias rurales del canton Esmeraldas.
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
This research was aimed at the potential demand has career accounting and auditing
PUCESE by students in the third year of high school in the canton Rioverde and rural
parishes of Esmeraldas canton, so it was considered applying the methodology no
experimental design consisted of analyzing the criterion of students to choose a college and
career after completing their secondary education, whose academic expectations the could
know by means of a questionnaire of open and closed questions posed to 149 students of
the canton Rioverde and 117 rural parishes of the canton Esmeraldas.
Once it applied the instrument was obtained as a result that 78 % of students in rural
parishes and 71% of the canton Rioverde indicate that they would like to pursue university
studies in the PUCESE, positioning itself as one of the races chosen the accounting and
audit by the population subject to study.

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