Diseno e Implementacion de un Portal Web para el Consejo Nacional Electoral con el Fin de Ayudar en la Capacitacion a los Ciudadanos del Ecuador Acerca del Codigo de la Democracia. Enfocado en la Capa de la Presentacion-Movil Desarrollo de Apl

Type Thesis or Dissertation - ingeniero en networking y telecomunicaciones
Title Diseno e Implementacion de un Portal Web para el Consejo Nacional Electoral con el Fin de Ayudar en la Capacitacion a los Ciudadanos del Ecuador Acerca del Codigo de la Democracia. Enfocado en la Capa de la Presentacion-Movil Desarrollo de Apl
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
URL http://repositorio.ug.edu.ec/bitstream/redug/17139/1/UG-FCMF-B-CINT-PTG-N.91.pdf
This project is about designing a mobile application prototype on the training of
the code of democracy which currently occurs in person. This generates several
drawbacks. It is planned to incorporate a mobile application easy to use and
available to users of Smartphone with Windows Phone operating system,
simplifying the process. The application will be developed under the Windows
Phone platform and compatible from version 8.1. It will use programming
language C # for coding logic and Xaml language for design; It will be developed
under the modern methodology called Scrum ensuring its efficiency. It will consist
of five training cards. Each of them with 4 sheets of information for the user, from
which It will be carried out two evaluation tests with 5 questions each. These
tests will be graded on a scheduled process and grades above 7 will get a
certificate of completed training. Its functionality will be checked in a Smartphone
with Windows Phone operating system to verify proper operation of all the
training cards and evaluation tests.

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