WHO biennial report: Rwanda country office 2012-2013

Type Report
Title WHO biennial report: Rwanda country office 2012-2013
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
URL http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/128050/1/WHO Rwanda Country Office Report 2012 2013.pdf
The WHO in Rwanda made significant investments during the 2012 – 2013 biennium to support Rwanda
in the development of sound national health policies, strategies and plans and in revising, renewing or
establishing health norms and standards based on evidence. National health strategies are the core basis
for reconciling and managing the multiple objectives facing the sector. Our work is to assist member
states to handle the competing demands faced. Rwanda has been very successful in its health programmes
and which has shown remarkable results.
The activities of the WHO Country Office during the biennium were guided primarily by the WHO
Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) 2009 – 2013, the MOH’s Health Sector Strategic Plan II (2009 –
2012), the United Nations Development Action Framework (UNDAF) 2008 – 2013, and the Government
of Rwanda’s Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (2008 – 2013) EDPRS I. A new
Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS II) and Health Sector Strategic Plan
III (2013 – 2018) were launched in July 2013.
During the biennium, the WHO office fielded 104 technical missions from various levels of WHO and
its partnerships to Rwanda. The result was a total of 1,029 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff days of
technical assistance at an estimated total cost of $812,949 (USD) in travel and in salary/fee costs.

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