Opening Up Education in Rwanda

Type Report
Title Opening Up Education in Rwanda
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
This short report describes the context for opening up education in Rwanda. Its focus is on higher
education, although there is some coverage of schooling and also NGO activity. In Rwanda there are
many developments in high-speed networking and a substantial amount of distance education being
delivered in and into the country. These provide a fruitful context for future development of OER,
MOOCs and open education generally.
Among the highlights are:
 Rwandan primary school children benefit from the One Laptop per Child Project funded by
the One Laptop per Child Association.
 Open Learning Exchange Rwanda (OLE) promotes information on Public Health and
Environment using ICT.
 Nokia and the Government of Rwanda have agreed a pilot project (SocialEDU) for free
educational content. This will be available via edX linked to Facebook.
 Rwanda has a TESSA community and the University of Rwanda College of Education is a
TESSA partner.
 The UK OU began a project in 2010 named Open University Rwanda whereby it was
advising the Rwandan Government on setting up distance learning nationally.
 Kepler is providing university qualifications through blended learning making use of MOOCS
and linking students with employers. Courses are provided in the following areas: Business
Management & Finance, Computer Science, and Engineering

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