Los conceptos de pobreza en los instrumentos de focalizacion del Gasto Publico en Colombia desde la ultima decada siglo XX, alcances y perspectivas: El caso del Sisben

Type Thesis or Dissertation - título de: Magister en Ciencias Económicas
Title Los conceptos de pobreza en los instrumentos de focalizacion del Gasto Publico en Colombia desde la ultima decada siglo XX, alcances y perspectivas: El caso del Sisben
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
URL http://www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/54915/1/helmutrubielmenjuramurcia.2016.pdf
Poverty can be observed from different approaches. The Poverty definition from the State
is a normative issue which produces implications to the society and to households or
individuals, when the particular approaches is implemented in a targeting system. This
paper realizes an overview of the experience in the decision making process related to the
Sisbén design, the household targeting system used in Colombia. The Sisben uses nonmonetary
concepts of poverty; however, the evaluations in comparison with traditional indicators such as income poverty lines or group of individuals by deciles, evidences its
limitations as well another inconsistencies. The review of experience offers significant
conclusions for the design and evaluation of this kind of instruments, arises
recommendations to achieve greater efficiency based on coherent relationship between
public policies, indicators of poverty measurement and targeting system.

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