Los efectos del tratado de libre comercio-TIC entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos en la economia agricola colombiana (2006-2015)

Type Thesis or Dissertation - título de Economista
Title Los efectos del tratado de libre comercio-TIC entre Colombia y los Estados Unidos en la economia agricola colombiana (2006-2015)
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
URL http://repository.lasalle.edu.co/bitstream/handle/10185/19017/10101016_2016.pdf?sequence=1
The actual globalization has made countries looking for to enter global markets with their
products and services, which has not been alien to Colombia; therefore, this paper is intended to
show some initial effects of the Free Trade Agreement - FTA between Colombia and the US,
after its signing, specifically in the agricultural sector, starting with a tour of economic theories
implemented in the country since the 50s, focusing on neoliberal theory and the free market.
From there a description of the agricultural sector in both countries is done by identifying the
basic points of the agreement and finally by an econometric model, an analysis of the effects of
this in the agricultural sector global.

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