Estimación y características de la duración del desempleo en Bolivia

Title Estimación y características de la duración del desempleo en Bolivia
Volume 15
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 15-40
An economy’s unemployment is considered as the most widely used synthetic indicator to describe a labor market;
however, it does not give enough information about its dynamics. This study provides a complementary analysis of the
labor market’s dynamics through the estimation of complete unemployment duration and an adequate methodological
approach to the availability of information in Bolivia through the use of parametric and non-parametric models that
allow a description of the behavior of unemployment’s duration in relation to the sociodemographic features of the
population. The results show that it is necessary to correct biases in available data, given that they cause an overestimation
of the unemployment duration. For that purpose, the method of Corak and Heisz [1] was used. In the
country, in recent years, unemployment duration has been relatively low, although there are certain vulnerable groups
that experiment long periods of job search, such as women and older people. It is also explored the relationship between
unemployment duration and technical education and geographic area. Finally, the necessity of including informality,
underemployment and other variables in the analysis is also identified.

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