Namibia: Developing and encouraging sustainable agricultural practices.

Type Working Paper
Title Namibia: Developing and encouraging sustainable agricultural practices.
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Namibia is a country located in the southern part of Africa. This particular Sub-Saharan country is broken
into five general regions with a climate best described as arid. Many factors such as the sustainability of
agriculture affect the food security in Namibia. Sustainable agriculture refers to farming while using
practices that benefit the environment. Sustainable agriculture allows future generations to have access to
soil and land, which, if cared for, will continue to provide for them in years to come. Many Namibian
farmers would benefit from implementing sustainable practices to increase soil fertility while decreasing
the effects of soil degradation. There are several practices such as introducing new crop varieties or
improving irrigation practices that African farmers could also employ in order to ensure food
security. Many of these factors are interrelated and one cannot be implemented without addressing
others. Through sustainable practices such as proper crop rotation, irrigation techniques and choosing the
appropriate varieties in conjunction with education, Namibian farmers will be able to meet their food
production needs.

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