Outmigration from the Hill Region of Uttrakhand Magnitude, Challenges and Policy Options

Type Working Paper - Giri Institute of Development Studies
Title Outmigration from the Hill Region of Uttrakhand Magnitude, Challenges and Policy Options
Volume 218
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2016
URL http://www.gids.org.in/DownloadMaterials/WP 218.pdf
The pace of outmigration from the Hill Region of Uttarakhand has accelerated in
recent years along with the faster economic growth in the state. This paper
attempts to examine various aspects relating to outmigration from the Hill
Region of Uttarakhand for enhancing our understanding and argues how
migration has almost failed to generate any multiplier effects in the village
economy of the region. It depicts the hardships of village life in general and
women in particular in the Hill Region of Uttarakhand in the wake of increasing
out-migration. It analyses the nature and quality of livelihoods in the hill districts
of the State and shows how these are highly backbreaking yet contributing very
low incomes to a large majority of workers therein.

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