Factors leading to squatter problem in Rift Valley Province in Kenya

Type Journal Article - Journal of Law and Conflict Resolution
Title Factors leading to squatter problem in Rift Valley Province in Kenya
Volume 6
Issue 3
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
Page numbers 48-55
URL http://www.academicjournals.org/journal/JLCR/article-full-text-pdf/8045BDB44731
The land problem in Kenya has many faces, one of which is the Squatter Problem. Kenya is primarily an
agricultural economy. Approximately 75% of Kenya’s population is employed in the agriculture sector,
hence the issue of land becomes core and delicate. The objective of the study was to investigate the
factors leading to landlessness in Kenya and it paid special attention to the Rift Valley Province.
Specifically, it sought to establish if landlessness in Kenya is due to outdated land laws which stem
from the private land tenure, which was crafted by R. J. M. Swynerton through the Swynerton plan of
1954. A target population of 20,000 households was used for the study. Assuming a target population of
20,000 households, the study assumed a homogenous demography among all squatters. As such a
sample size of 1% is deemed to be adequately representative. This gives a sample size of 200
respondents to be interviewed for response. Four districts in the rift valley with prevalent squatter
problems or settlement schemes were purposively targeted for response. A uniform number of 50
respondents from each district were interviewed. These were Nakuru, Molo, Naivasha and Trans-Nzoia
districts. Both secondary and primary data were reviewed for the purpose of this study. The study
concluded that private land tenure is a major factor causing landlessness in Kenya. This is the bedrock
on which land laws and policy are based. This is because the implementation of the plan produced
claim as the principle of individual property ownership on land which became institutionalized. Based
on findings, the study recommended a re-engineering of higher breed of the old African customary land
law where land was owned communally and the current statutory law on land where there is individual
ownership should be adopted as a way of obtaining a check on landlessness in Kenya.

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