Factors influencing accessibility to micro finance services by persons with disabilities: a case of Kimilili - Bungoma Sub-County Kenya

Type Thesis or Dissertation - Master of Arts
Title Factors influencing accessibility to micro finance services by persons with disabilities: a case of Kimilili - Bungoma Sub-County Kenya
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2013
URL http://erepository.uonbi.ac.ke/bitstream/handle/11295/56244/fulltext.pdf?sequence=5
This study was designed to investigate factors influencing access to
microfinance by Persons with Disability in Kimilili- Bungoma sub-county. The aim of
the study based on four major objectives: social and health issues, access to
information, level of finance and management skills and availability of collateral and
access to microfinance. However the study intended to answer four major research
questions of the revolve around the number of MFI institutions working in the county,
micro finance needs of PWDs, factors that affect and hinder accessibility to microfinance
by PWDs and exploration of appropriate suggestions to improve micro
financing operations in Kimilili sub-County The study adopted descriptive survey
design that was carried out in Kimilili- Bungoma sub-county. The study sample
comprised of 78 officials of self-help groups for persons with disability, ministry of
social services, and finance officers of microfinance institutions. The instruments of
data collection were questionnaires and interview guides. The reliability of the
instrument was done by a pilot study in Bungoma West. Validity of the instruments
was enhanced by requesting the experts in the area of Research. Data was collected,
coded and analysed using SPSS. The data was represented using tables of frequency
and percentages. The key findings revealed that social and health issues did not hinder
participation in business and access to microfinance, PWD`s lack access to
information related to microfinance, the education level and skills in finance and
management influence access to microfinance. The other finding was that availability
of collateral hindered access to microfinance by persons with disability. It was
reported that most people do not have the saving culture. It is also reported that PWD
lack the potential to participate in business and therefore rely on charity. From the
study, it was concluded that PWDs were aware of microfinance but MFIs did not give
special consideration to them. The PWDs needed training in financial and
management skills in order to run business. Lastly collateral mechanisms should be
improved so that PWDs could qualify and secure loans and manage interest rates. The
study recommended that there is need for microfinance institution to create awareness
to persons with disability about microfinance products to alleviate poverty, the
government and ministry of gender to open rehabilitation centre to train relevant
disability groups in various skills in the early stages to reduce dependence ratio, the
digital era should be embraced by all stakeholders, the computer programmes and
special software should be made available and affordable to PWD`s. The researcher
also recommended for another study to be carried out in reference to each disability –
speech, sight, physical impairment and multiple disability. The role of government
should also be emphasised in another study.

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