Efficiency of the Marketing System for Selected Vegetables in Sri Lanka

Type Journal Article - Sri Lanka Journal of Agrarian Studies
Title Efficiency of the Marketing System for Selected Vegetables in Sri Lanka
Volume 10
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2002
Page numbers 41-51
URL http://harti.nsf.ac.lk/bitstream/handle/1/144/SJAS_2002_V10(01)-41-51.pages.pdf?sequence=2
Vegetables are a very important component in the daily diet of the people in Sri Lanka. Moreover a large proportion of farming population is dependent upon vegetable cultivation. A significant amount of resources are devoted for the purpose of agricultural development. However increased production will not be translated into proportional increase in the level of real income in an economy in which marketing is inefficient and wasteful of resources. Hence the objective of this paper is to examine the efficiency of marketing system for selected vegetables such as carrot and leeks. Marketing efficiency can be measured on the basis of operational efficiency and pricing efficiency. Higher market integration and relatively stable price spreads have shown that vegetable marketing is carried out efficiently.

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