Comparison Of Low Birth Weight Rate Estimates Based On Different Aggregate Levels Data Using Logistic Regression Model

Type Journal Article - Forum Statistika dan Komputasi : Indonesian Journal of Statistics
Title Comparison Of Low Birth Weight Rate Estimates Based On Different Aggregate Levels Data Using Logistic Regression Model
Volume 20
Issue 2
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2015
Page numbers 28-33
Low Birth-Weight (LBW) is defined as a birth weight of a live-born infant of less than 2.500 grams regardless of gestational age. Case of LBW is associated with infant mortality, infant morbidity, inhibited growth and slow cognitive development, also chronic diseases in later life. It is vital because with high LBW rate the generation hardly grow into its full potential. There are many risk factors, whether direct or indirect, can cause a birth as a high risk of Low Birth Weight case. These factors are genetics, obstetrics, nutrition intakes, diseases, toxic exposures, pregnancy care and social factors. With these factors measured, statistical modelling can be used to estimate rate on group level or probability on individual level of the Low Birth Weight event. As the case is a binary response, Logistic Regression Model is commonly used. Data of LBW case and the risk factors came from Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS) 2012. Published national rate of LBW was 7.3% with provincial rates fell between 4.7-15.7 %. Although the national rate was considered low, the wide variation of provincial rates showed that the problem was not handled so well. However, these rates cannot be measured yearly due to 5 year period of the survey. With the availability of risk factors data a model can be built to estimate the LBW rates. But, another problem for the model is the case when aggregate level data is available instead of individual level data. So, the purpose of this study was to compare models based on different aggregate levels and theirs estimated provincial rates. Comparison was done among individual birth level, mother level, household level and census block (cluster) level. Models from three former levels were quite similar with adequate significant parameters, while cluster level model was resulted only a few significant parameters. But instead, LBW rate estimates from cluster level model were the closest to the direct estimates. But the variance of these estimates was still higher than the other models.

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