Indigenous water management system in Nepal: cultural dimensions of water distribution, cascaded reuse and harvesting in Bhaktapur City

Type Journal Article - Environment, Development and Sustainability
Title Indigenous water management system in Nepal: cultural dimensions of water distribution, cascaded reuse and harvesting in Bhaktapur City
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Page numbers 1-12
This paper reports the indigenous water management system (IWMS) practiced
in Bhaktapur city of Nepal. Based on rationality and efficacy, we have analyzed IWMS of
Bhaktapur city. Using expert consultation, site visit, archival study and comparative case
study approach we concluded that the traditional system was efficient and rational in terms
of cascaded water use and water harvesting. We have presented the traditional water
conveyance and reusability practices for the historical settlement. The sum of our study
highlights that revitalization of IWMS is possible in Bhaktapur city.

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