Quality of Life and Its Related Factors of Elderly in Rural Vietnam: A Cross Sectional Study

Type Conference Paper - Third Annual International Conference New Voices in Global Health and Wellbeing 2015
Title Quality of Life and Its Related Factors of Elderly in Rural Vietnam: A Cross Sectional Study
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
Objectives: To assess the quality of elderly life (QoL) and its related factors in Phong Phu commune, a rural
area in Vietnam.

Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted with 196 people 60 years and older in Phong Phu commune by
systematic random sampling method. Face to face household interviews that used WHOQOL-BREF
questionnaire were conducted for data collection. Predisposing factors (i.e., age, gender, educational level,
marital status, working status, perception on health status), enabling factors (i.e., economic status, living
arrangement, activities of daily living), and reinforcing factors (i.e., social support) were tested in relationship
with four QoL domains (i.e., physical health, psychological health, social relationship, and environment), with
a significance level of p=0.05. The predictors of QoL were examined by using multiple regression analysis.

Results: Overall QoL was fair (2.8 ± 0.8). There was 37.3% of the elderly who rated their overall QoL as poor.
The predictors of QoL of the elderly were self-perception of their own health status, marital status, gender,
activities of daily living, individual income, and social support (travelling, food and clothes, and information).

Conclusions: It is important to activate the roles of local volunteers in taking care of the elderly. Elderly clubs
should be operated to enhance social relationships among the elderly.

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