Facts and Figures on Gender

Type Journal Article - Uganda Bureau of Statistics
Title Facts and Figures on Gender
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://www.ubos.org/onlinefiles/uploads/ubos/gender/Uganda Facts and Figures on Gender 2013.pdf
1.0 Introduction
The Facts and Figures on Gender (2013) presents the current status of key issues and concerns of
women and men in Uganda. Its development has been driven by various international, regional and
national development frameworks and interventions targeting gender equality such as the Beijing
Platform for Action and Millennium Development Goals, and National Development Plan. The report
presents data on population and related gender dimensions.
1.1 Population
Population is the total number of persons in a specified area at a specified point in time. The
population of Uganda, like the case for other countries, is realised through censuses usually
conducted every 10 years. However, the last Population and Housing Census (UPHC) was
conducted in 2002, therefore, the current population figures are estimates from census projections
and related survey findings covering the period 2002-2013. The past nine censuses indicate that the
population of Uganda has consistently grown since the first census conducted in the year 1911.

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