Epidemiological Model of Promiscuous Lifestyle

Type Journal Article - British Journal of Mathematics & Computer Science
Title Epidemiological Model of Promiscuous Lifestyle
Publication (Day/Month/Year)
URL http://www.sdiarticle2.org/journal/BJMCS_6/prh/2015/01/26/Revised-manuscript_version2_11815.pdf
An epidemiological model depicting the dynamics of campus sex among students is analyzed in this
study. For the purpose of this research sexual activities among students is considered as a disease
referred as SESEX. The Susceptible -Infected -Recovered (SIR) model is used in analyzing the
dynamics in this scenario. Two equilibrium points were found, a disease-free equilibrium and an
endemic equilibrium point. The model suggests that, admitting new students without the infection
plays a significant role in the reduction of SESEX on campus. Thus, minimizing recruitment of
infected students reduces the spread of the disease.

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