Career Development Center Reformation: Enhancing the Employability of UP Students

Type Journal Article - Thesis/Dissertation Collections
Title Career Development Center Reformation: Enhancing the Employability of UP Students
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2015
Kosovo’s youth is facing immense challenges in finding jobs and be an active part of the
labor force. With a more than 60% young population (Kosovo Statistical Agency), it is certainly
the country with the youngest population in Europe. Out of the ones already part of the labor
force, 55.9% are unemployed (KSA) – a percentage that is increasing annually, with more and
more students graduating and entering the labor force. The University of Prishtina, as an
institution of higher education and a major channel of Kosovar youth towards the labor force, has
a significant role in preparing them to enter the market. Except of the diploma and knowledge
received, students must also possess a set of skills and experiences that make them ready and
fully employable in the current labor market. Through an effective and sustainable career
guidance system, this university could have a considerable impact to the economy of the country.
In order for such a system to be established, one has to understand the crucial role of the Career
Development Center (CDC) in this process and the issues that it is facing.

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