Well-being of the elderly in Thailand: a scoping systematic review

Type Journal Article - Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine
Title Well-being of the elderly in Thailand: a scoping systematic review
Volume 17
Issue 1
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2017
Page numbers 94-110
URL http://www.mjphm.org.my/mjphm/journals/2017 - Volume 17 (1)/WELL-BEING OF THE ELDERLY IN THAILAND A​SCOPING SYSTEMATIC REVIEW.pdf
Thailand is now developing very swiftly into an old aged society and therefore the demands for social and health services
are increasing day by day. This present topic is a systemic review on the lives of the aged people of Thailand. A critical
analysis has been made on the people of Thailand aged more than or equals to fifty. This review has been done by using
data, recovered through Pub Med, Scopus and ISI Web of science. The point of this analysis was about these six below
mentioned outcomes such as- health and well-being, living arrangements, use of health facilities, process-related health
outcomes, income, or support. Seventy-two studies were published about this included this review within 1994 to 2016.
Different methods and techniques such as quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods were used in these studies. In 51.4
% cases Probability sampling methods and in 44.5% cases purposive sampling methods were used. 31.9% of the information
was taken from the national survey data. The data sources of these studies were taken primarily from the outpatients of
the hospitals and secondarily from the primary health care centers who acted as the participants. These studies and analysis
have determined different types of outcomes. Some outcomes indicate that the public health policies and programs on
aging are not acting as a whole development program. On the other hand, some outcomes indicate on healthy life
expectancy, which is the outcome of heath care. Imbalances can be noticed among the needs and the provided health care.

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