Improving Accessibility of safe and clean water in Maroroni ward in Meru district, Arusha

Type Thesis or Dissertation - Master in Community Economic Development
Title Improving Accessibility of safe and clean water in Maroroni ward in Meru district, Arusha
Publication (Day/Month/Year) 2014
The community need assessment was conducted to determine the most pressing
stress, challenges and opportunities that prevail at Maroroni ward. It was depicted
that inaccessibility of safe and clean water among various communities of Maroroni
ward is the major pressing need which require immediate attention. When the
problem was analysed using participatory tools such as questionnaires, survey and
focus group discussion, it was found that the problem of inaccessibility of water
(44.7%) culminate into various social economic constraints which is one of the
factors decelerate economic development of some of the communities which reside
in Maroroni ward with the most affected group being women and children who are
in both primary and secondary school. Through participatory planning facilitated by
the CED student, the project initiated in coordinated effort of the target community,
NGOs, government officials and the Meru district council which resulted in
construction of 5 wells in the three villages, whereby 2 at Vareska, 2 at Majengo and
one at Migandini were accomplished. Nevertheless, community awareness on the
use of clean and safe water has been conducted through seminar training. It is
expected that this project will result into improved livelihood of Maroroni ward
through reduction of diseases which were considered to emanate from poor
sanitation and ample time to engage in other income generation. From this
coordinated effort of various stakeholders who participated in this project, it is
suffice to say that when developing countries like Tanzania who always face budget
constraints, if little fund is set aside for certain development project; communities
and other development agencies like NGOs can be involved to supplement the little
budget set to accomplish those projects to improve the livelihoods of their communities.

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