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Showing 601-630 of 70886
Working Paper
Lea, Nicholas, and Lucia Hanmer.
Constraints to growth in Malawi
Working Paper
Simtowe, Franklin, Bekele Shiferaw, Solomon Asfaw, Abate Tsedeke, Emmanuel Monyo, Moses Siambi, and Geoffrey Muricho.
Socioeconomic assessment of baseline pigeonpea and groundnut production conditions, farmer technology choice, market linkages, institutions and poverty in rural Malawi
Journal Article
Rama, Martin, and Kinnon Scott.
Labor earnings in one-company towns: theory and evidence from Kazakhstan
THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW 13, no. 1 (1999): 185-209.
Working Paper
Francavilla, F, and S Lyon.
Household chores and child health: preliminary evidence from six countries
(2003) Florence: Innocenti Research Centre.
Komives, Kristin, Dale Whittington, and Xun Wu.
Energy use around the world—Evidence from household surveys
Journal Article
Lu, Chunling, Brian Chin, Guohong Li, and Christopher J Murray.
Limitations of methods for measuring out-of-pocket and catastrophic private health expenditures
(2009) Bulletin of the World Health Organization.
Journal Article
Kalyuzhnova, Yelena, and Uma S Kambhampati.
The determinants of individual happiness in Kazakhstan
Economic Systems 32, no. 3 (2008).
Working Paper
Haggblade, Steven, Steven Longabaugh, and David Tschirley.
Spatial patterns of food staple production and marketing in South East Africa: Implications for trade policy and emergency response
Journal Article
Matchaya C, Greenwell.
Does size of operated area matter? Evidence from Malawi's agricultural production
International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development 10, no. 2 (2007): 114-125.
Thesis or Dissertation
Munthali M, Spy.
An institutional analysis of community and home based care and support for HIV/AIDS sufferers in rural households in Malawi
PhD thesis, Rhodes University, 2008.
Working Paper
Msiska G, Fred.
The brain drain-gain, quality of higher education and development in Malawi
Jayne, T S, Julius Mangisoni, and Nicholas Sitko.
Social analysis of Malawi’s maize marketing reforms
United States of America: Pennsylvania State University, 2008.
Working Paper
Baird, Sarah, Craig McIntosh, and Berk Ozler.
Cash or condition? Evidence from a cash transfer experiment
Working Paper
Porto, Guido, Nicolas Depetris, and Marcelo Olarreaga.
Supply chains in export agriculture, competition, and poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa
Journal Article
Sarelin L, Alessandra.
Human rights-based approaches to development cooperation, HIV/AIDS, and food security
Humanj Rights Quarterly 29, no. 2 (2007): 460-488.
Flory, Jeffrey, and Geetha Nagarajan.
The poor and their management of shocks
College Park, MD, United States of America: IRIS Center, University of Maryland, 2009.
Crawford, Gordon, and Christof Hartmann.
Decentralisation in Africa: A Pathway out of Poverty and Conflict?
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, 2008.
Jayne, T S, Nicholas Sitko, Jacob Ricker-Gilbert, and Julius Mangisoni.
Malawi’s maize marketing system
Working Paper
Warnholz, Jean-Louis.
Poverty reduction for profit? A critical examination of business opportunities at the bottom of the pyramid
Working Paper
Cogneau, Denis.
Colonisation, school and development in Africa: An empirical analysis
Murthi, Mamta.
Living standards during the transition
Journal Article
Becker, Charles M, Damira I Bibosunova, Grace E Holmes, and Margarita M Ibragimova.
Maternal care vs. economic wealth and the health of newborns: Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic and Kansas City, USA
World Development 26, no. 11 (1998): 2057-2072.
Working Paper
Sadana, Ritu, Colin D Mathers, Alan D Lopez, Christopher J Murray, and Kim Iburg.
Comparative analyses of more than 50 household surveys on health status
(2000) WHO/GPE Discussion Paper 15.
Thesis or Dissertation
bjørnstad, Sverre.
Rationality and trustworthiness: An empirical study of a borehole and irrigation project in rural Malawi
MA thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2008.
Working Paper
Müller, Katharina.
Poverty and social policy in the Central Asian transition countries
(2003) German Development Institute.
Devereux, Stephen, Bob Baulch, Alexander Phiri, and Rachel Sabates-Wheeler.
Vulnerability to chronic poverty and malnutrition in Malawi
Brighton, United Kingdom: Institute of Development Studies, 2006.
Journal Article
Kidman, Rachel, and S J Heymann.
The extent of community and public support available to families caring for orphans in Malawi
AIDS Care 21, no. 4 (2009): 439-447.
Journal Article
Orr, Alastair, Blessings Mwale, and Donata Saiti-Chitsonga.
Exploring seasonal poverty traps: The 'six-week window' in southern Malawi
Journal of Development Studies 45, no. 2 (2009): 227-255.
Journal Article
Heymann, Jody, and Rachel Kidman.
HIV/AIDS, declining family resources and the community safety net
AIDS Care 21, no. S1 (2009): 34-42.
Journal Article
Grosh, Margaret E, and Paul Glewwe Glewwe.
Data watch: The World Bank's Living Standards Measurement Study household surveys
Journal of Economic Perspectives 12, no. 1 (1998): 187-196.
Showing 601-630 of 70886