
Showing 1-10 of 10
Journal Article
Gonzales, Gustavo F, Alisson Zevallos, Cynthia Gonzales-Castañeda, Denisse Nuñez, Carmen Gastañaga, César Cabezas, Luke Naeher, Karen Levy, and Kyle Steenland. "Contaminación Ambiental, Variabilidad Climática y Cambio Climático: Una Revisión del Impacto en la Salud de la Población Peruana." Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica 31, no. 3 (2014): 547-556.
Journal Article
Bilsborrow, Richard E, Alisson F Barbieri, and William Pan. "Changes in Population and Land Use Over Time in the Ecuadorian Amazon." Acta Amazonica 34, no. 4 (2004): 635-647.
Conference Paper
Barbieri, Alisson F, Roberto M. L Monte-Mór, and Richard E Bilsborrow. "Towns in the jungle: exploring linkages between rural-urban mobility, urbanization and development in the Amazon." Urban Population, Development and Environment Dynamics in Developing Countries. Nairobi, Kenya, June 11-13, 2007.
Journal Article
Bayer, Angela M, Lizzete Najarro, Mercedes Zevallos, and Patricia J Garcia. "Potential point of care tests (POCTs) for maternal health in Peru, perspectives of pregnant women and their partners." Reproductive health 11, no. 1 (2014): 5.
Thesis or Dissertation
Campos Zevallos, Santiago J, and Adela Collantes M Llacza. "Consumo de medicamentos en boticas arcángel y su correlación con la morbilidad referida, en el sector santa verónica barrio 4, la esperanza, trujillo, la libertad-2011." Grado de Academico de Bachiller, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, 2012.
Thesis or Dissertation
Zevallos Vera L, María. "El Programa Canje de Deuda Ecuador-España: Recursos para la Infraestructura Educativa en el País." Thesis, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales, 2011.
Book Section
Zambrano-Barragán, Carolina, Othon Zevallos, Marcos Villacís, and Diego Enríquez. "Resilient Cities." (2011) Quito's Climate Change Strategy: A Response to Climate Change in the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador.
Journal Article
Saavedra-Garcia, Lorena, Vanessa Sosa-Zevallos, Francisco Diez-Canseco, Jaime J Miranda, and Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz. "Reducing Salt in Bread: A Quasi-experimental Feasibility Study in a Bakery in Lima, Peru." (2015) Public Health Nutrition.
Journal Article
Bathrick, Ryan, Rodolfo M Nayga, Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, Francisco Salas-Valerio, and Sergio Iturrizaga. "Analyzing Consumer Demand for Andean Root and Tuber Products in Peru." Journal of Food Products Marketing 13, no. 2 (2008): 83-101.
Journal Article
Cueto, Santiago, Gabriela Guerrero, Claudia Sugimaru, and Alvaro M Zevallos. "Sense of belonging and transition to high schools in Peru." International Journal of Educational Development 30, no. 3 (2010): 277-287.
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