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Showing 31-60 of 894
Working Paper
Collazos Bravo, Ana Belén, Yeral Mesa Florián, Fernando González Andrés, and Beatriz Urbano López de Meneses.
Investigación en sostenibilidad y seguridad alimentaria como motor de desarrollo agrario del sur, para la provincia de barahona en República Dominicana
Journal Article
Ferreccio, Catterina, Claudia Gonzalez, Vivian Milosavjlevic, Guillermo Marshall, Ana Maria Sancha, and Allan H Smith.
Lung Cancer and Arsenic Concentrations in Drinking Water in Chile
Epidemiology 11, no. 6 (2000): 673-679.
Journal Article
Quispe-Otacoma, Ana L, Mario P Padilla-Martínez, Julio A Telot-González, and Dianelys Nogueira-Rivera.
Tecnologías de información y comunicación en la gestión empresarial de pymes comerciales
Ingeniería Industrial 38, no. 1 (2017): 81-92.
Journal Article
Quispe-Otacoma, Ana L, Mario P Padilla-Martínez, and Julio A Telot-González.
Los recursos empresariales de las pequeñas y medianas empresas comerciales (PyMES) de la ciudad de Ambato/ Enterprise resources of small and medium-sized commercial enterprises (SMEs) of Ambato city
Retos Turísticos 16, no. 1 (2017): 1-9.
Journal Article
Rodriguez, Fabio, Ana Maria Acevedo, Magda Alejandra Calderon, Diana Socorro Lopez, and Maria Paula Gonzalez.
Riesgo nutricional e inseguridad alimentaria en una población infantil del municipio de Soacha
Revista Colombiana de Enfermeria 11, no. 10 (2015): 63-72.
Journal Article
Ruiz, Gisela Esther Gonzalez, Ana Julieth García, Anderson Díaz Pérez, Madelaine García Castillo, Estefany Olivero Mendoza, and Leidy Daza Álvarez.
Alteraciones cervico uterinas en mujeres de Santa Marta
Revista Cubana de Enfermeria 33, no. 2 (2017).
Thesis or Dissertation
Fernandez Arce, Miguel, Diana Gonzalez Reyes, Luis Fernando Guzman Garcia, Nasly Julio Torres, Karla Romero Garcia, and Ana Carmen Acosta Lopez.
Prevalencia de depresión en el adulto mayor en los centros de vida en Cartagena
enfermero (a), Universidad de Cartagena, 2016.
Journal Article
Monzon, Ana Silvia, Sarah Keogh, Ana Lucia Ramazzini, Elena Prada, Melissa Stillman, and Ellie Leong.
De la Normativa a la Práctica: la Política y el Currículo de Educación en Sexualidad y su Implementación en Guatemala
(2017) Guttmacher Institute.
Journal Article
KonnoI, Silvia C, Ana Lucia L de Lima, Wolney L CondeI, Ana Carolina F da Silva, Maria H D’Aquino Benicio, and Carlos A Monteiro.
Causes for the decline in child under-nutrition in Brazil, 1996
Rev Saúde Pública 43, no. 1 (2009).
Journal Article
Challis, David, Felicia Knaul, Gustavo Nigenda, Miguel Angel Ramirez, Ana Cristina Torres, Ana Mylena Aguilar, Mariana Lopez Ortega, and Jose Luis Torres.
Case-study Mexico
(2003) Long-term care.
Journal Article
Coronado–Salas, Citlalhit, Fernando Díaz–Barriga, Ana Rosa Moreno–Sánchez, Leticia Carrizales–Yáñez, Rocio Torres–Nerio, Yei Jazmín Rentería–Guzmán, and Ana Cristina Cubillas–Tejeda.
La comunicación de riesgos como una herramienta para disminuir la exposición infantil a plomo y arsénico en la zona contaminada de Villa de la Paz–Matehuala, San Luis Potosí, México
Revista internacional de contaminación ambiental 28, no. 2 (2012): 167-181.
Working Paper
Sibanda, Lucy, and Mellony Graven.
Applying a Linguistic Complexity Checklist and Formulae to the 2013 Grade 4 Mathematics National Assessments
Journal Article
Iregui-Bohorquez, Ana Maria, Maria Teresa Ramirez-Giraldo, Ana Maria Tribin-Uribe, and others.
Mujer rural y violencia domestica en Colombia
(2015) Banco de la Republica, Bogota, Colombia.
Cano S., Carlos Gustavo, Ana María Iregui B., María Teresa Ramírez G., and Ana María Tribín U.
El desarrollo equitativo, competitivo y sostenible del sector agropecuario en Colombia
Bogota, Colombia: Banco de la República, 2016.
Thesis or Dissertation
Kotze, Janeli.
Social gradients, early childhood education and schools performing above the demographic expectation: empirical insights into educational issues
Doctor of Philosophy, Stellenbosch University, 2017.
Book Section
Dimitrievski, Dragi, Nenad Georgiev, Ana Simonovska, Aleksandra Martinovska Stojceska, and Ana Kotevska.
Agriculture in the Western Balkan Countries
(2010) Review of agriculture and agricultural policy in FYR Macedonia .
Journal Article
Gonzalez, María Carolina, James A Garcia, and Nancy Johnson.
Ex ante assessment of the impact of biofortified beans and cassava using the disability adjusted life years (DALYS) framework
Journal Article
Guzmán, José Miguel, Jorge Rodríguez, Jorge Martínez, Juan Manuel Contreras, and Daniela González.
The demography of Latin America and the Caribbean since 1950
Population (english edition) 61, no. 5 (2006): 519-620.
Journal Article
Gonzalez, Isolda Espinosa.
The political and social economy of care: Nicaragua research report 2
Journal Article
Gonzalez, Isolda Espinos, and C Alberto.
Deforestation impact on the household sustainable local development: Nicaragua case, 1998-2005.
Journal Article
Gonzalez-Robledo, Luz María, and Gustavo Nigenda.
Lessons offered by Latin American cash transfer programmes, Mexico’s Oportunidades and Nicaragua’s SPN: Implications for African countries
(2005) Development.
Martin, Michael O, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Teresa A Smith, and Dana L Kelly.
School contexts for learning and instruction: IEA’s Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1999.
Mullis, Ina V, Michael O Martin, Albert E Beaton, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Dana L Kelly, and Teresa A Smith.
Mathematics and science achievement in the final year of secondary school: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1998.
Harmon, Maryellen, Teresa A Smith, Michael O Martin, Dana L Kelly, Albert E Beaton, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, and Graham Orpwood.
Performance assessment in IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1997.
Mullis, Ina V, Michael O Martin, Albert E Beaton, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Dana L Kelly, and Teresa A Smith.
Mathematics achievement in the primary school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1997.
Martin, Michael O, Ina V Mullis, Albert E Beaton, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Teresa A Smith, and Dana L Kelly.
Science achievement in the primary school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1997.
Beaton, Albert E, Ina V Mullis, Michael O Martin, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Dana L Kelly, and Teresa A Smith.
Mathematics achievement in the middle school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1996.
Beaton, Albert E, Michael O Martin, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, TeresA A Smith, and Dana L Kelly.
Science achievement in the middle school years: IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 1996.
Mullis, Ina V, Kelvin D Gregory, Robert A Garden, Kathleen M O’Connor, Steven J Chrostowski, Teresa A Smith, Eugenio J Gonzalez, and Michael O Martin.
TIMSS 1999 international mathematics report: Findings from IEA's repeat of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the eighth grade
Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 2000.
Martin, Michael O, Ina V Mullis, Eugenio J Gonzalez, Kelvin D Gregory, Teresa A Smith, Steven J Chrostowski, Robert A Garden, and Kathleen M O’Connor.
TIMSS 1999 international science report: Findings from IEA’s repeat of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study at the eighth grade
Chestnut Hill, MA: International Study Center, Boston College, 2000.
Showing 31-60 of 894